Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mobile App for Churches: You handy Pocket “The Holy Bible”!

Sometimes it really amazes me how everything has been digitized – Even the Churches!

Sounds little incredible; but it is true, the concept of digital church has been in fact materialized. With the app market gaining pace; the developers have brought a unique to provide a handy medium to the reach the God.
With the things moving at the jet speed; it has become almost impossible to pay a visit to the Church; even on the Sundays. And therefore, Mobile App for Churches comes as a pleasant and welcoming surprise for the church goers.

It is indeed a revolutionary; since it provides the individuals with a chance to get more closer to the God. A persistent question does arise and that it how does an app can help to get near to the Almighty. Well, it provides a virtual medium which allows you to perform activities which you can do while you are in the Church.

First of all, reading The Holy Bible is a very important part of being close to the God – But, again our hectic schedules and tight time crunches has made it difficult to even go through one verse daily. Now, how about having a handy tool which provides you with new verse each day; when you start the app.

In short, you can start your day with a beautiful, poignant and highly spiritual message! Moreover, it is actually not feasible to carry The Holy Bible wherever you travel; it may get damage or lost.

But, with a uniquely designed mobile application; you can read the Holy Bible from anywhere and at anytime. So, not matter whether you are at the bus station, train station or an airport; you can still read the verses from The Holy Bible and get that feeling of being there with him.

By the way, you would be wondering how to read the Bible while travelling – the mobile signal at places at not strong sometimes and hence you might loss the network and the app would stop working. Well, there are many Mobile App for Churches which you can access even while you are travelling through the remotest area.

Some of the applications are engineered in such a way that it even gives best results on offline mode.  In other words, you can read the Holy Bible, no matter what the surrounding situation is.

Apart from all this stuff; you can even make a confession in the very private setting of your Smartphone; along with bring a unique digital platform which allows you to make a wish.

In other words, now you get a more handy and easy way to go through and read the Holy Bible; eventually getting nearer to the God.

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